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Osteopath at Work

How Osteopathy or Nutrition May Help

Osteopathy and nutrition can be powerful tools in your toolbox for helping to treat certain conditions or work in conjunction alongside your healthcare provider and other allied health professionals.


Osteopathy and nutrition can be beneficial for many things, including but not limited too: pregnancy aches and pains, pelvic pain, pelvic floor dysfunction, pelvic health, postpartum or postnatal care, return to sport, low back and hip pain, neck, shoulder, upper back pain and headaches, breastfeeding support, endometriosis, post surgical scar care, osteopathy for babies


Please read below and click on the links to learn more. This isn't exhaustive and if you have any queries about certain symptoms or complaints please contact us here or if you are happy feel free to book online here 

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Pelvic health consults are available for women experiencing chronic pelvic pain, incontinence, pelvic floor dysfunction, post baby, endometriosis, painful sex, post hysterectomy, recurring and persistent low back and hip pain that isn't resolving with other therapy and more. 

Pregnant belly

Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain can mean a range of things including:

  • SIJ (sacroiliac joint) dysfunction

  • Pubic symphysis (pubic bone) pain

  • Coccyx (tailbone) pain

  • Pelvic girdle pain

  • Pudendal neuralgia

  • Endometriosis​


Pregnancy & Postpartum

Pregnancy is a time of exciting new changes and anticipation to meet your little one. With that can come varying aches and pains as your body adjusts to the physical changes. There are also changes in your nutritional demands that can have significant impact on both the health of mum and bub. Improving your function, mobility and nutrition status may have a positive effect on your pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience.

Chiropractic Treatment

Low Back & Hip Pain

Low back pain is one of the most common complaints for seeing an Osteo. You may have acute (new) or chronic ongoing back pain &/or hip pain. We can provide hands on osteopathy, exercise prescription and self management strategies. Persistent hip and back pain may also be due to undiagnosed pelvic floor issues.

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Osteopathy for babies

Being in the womb for 9 months can cause various tensions and torsions in some babies which can present as torticollis (head turned to one side), reflux, unsettled behaviour, breast refusal - typically one sided, poor latch and the nature of the birth may also add to this (forceps or vacuum delivery). Osteopathy for babies is very gentle and safe and often only very few treatments are needed.

Back Pain

Neck, Shoulder & Headaches

Neck and shoulder pain and headaches are very common, from office workers to new mums carrying babies around to injuries such as fall. We may be able to help treat, manage and provide at home management exercises to alleviate these pains.

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